Retiro Handstands

29mar01abrRetiro HandstandsEleva tu práctica de verticales a otro nivel con la entrenadora profesional Nathalie Wahlberg

Detalles del evento

El foco de este retiro estará puesto en Handstand/Verticales. Abierto a todos los niveles, conformaremos grupos según las necesidades.
Trabajaremos fuerza, flexibilidad, movilidad, coordinación, entradas, subidas a fuerza y formas de caer.


Nathalie Wahlberg

Nathalie has a background in the performing arts as a dancer and performer. Her passion for Handstands has developed over years of working within the field of dance and contemporary circus where she had the opportunity to train and learn from some of the best coaches in the world. Nathalie sees Handstands as one of the most comprehensive practices in yoga due to its nature of dealing with presence, balance, change of perspective and overcoming fear.

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Mas Juli

Ramon Casas, 2 Pineda de Mar (Barcelona)

Mas Juli

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